Page name: It's Angel!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-10-09 15:31:54
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[IT'S ANGEL!!!] :)

This is the base for the peoples who LOVE Angel / [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]!!!
Wiki page created by [Vaughne]
This page can be freely edited!

see in this pic you can see how big my nose really is >_< *pukes*
(By.[The Incredible Bulk]

Wanna know what Angel's wings look like? Sorta like this::

[Hello people, Angel talking. Feels GOOD to be loved! Haha... erm... yeah... heh.... OVER AND OUT!]

.......TO FIND A SPECIAL PERSON, .......
.........A DAY TO LOVE THEM, ........
..........AN ENTIRE LIFE TIME.........
..............TO 4GET THEM.............
.............U'LL NEVER 4GET..............
.........ITS A SHORT COMMENT..........
...........TO LET THEM KNOW.............
.......IT MEAN UR'RE IN A HURRY.......
..........AND THAT U 4GOTTEN.........
...............UR FRIENDZ

[emzy]-ur my cuz!- duh!!!
[;;Melodrama Junkie] Jump the list? I WOULD NEVER! Aw love ^^ You need like 500million wiki pages xD
[phoenixborn]. Angel I loves you! You rocks my non-existent toe-socks! And if I were even remotely gay I would marry you in a second. Or at least settle for casual sex. And yes, I did jump to the top of the list. What's your point? :P
[Vaughne] Angel you are my best buddy and I love you forever!!!!!!! thanks for just being there and for being the coolest, nicest guy ever! you know im always here for you <3
[Empty~Soul] yay!!
[madness] yay! i didnt know this page existed! angel protected me!!! yay!
[Glover.] your hair sucks worse than mine and thats saying something...
[nevan] :D You Rock!
[Necrobioticrash] SHITCUNT... Yeah thats right.
[no name ear] because you are one of my only friends on here haha... and i guess we are related 0_o
[(*|_Buster_|*)] He's a rapist. I saw 'im!
[Spoonmad] W00t, friends in killing!!
[i love david tennant FULL STOP] well im not really sure why i joined, well to explain myself i will write you an essay. well basically, cool as this thing is i didnt really know what i was doing at the time and i never realised that you could do this. when i signed up i had no idea what elfpack was, obviously now i do but im still a bit confused. you could say i joined this page/club/thing for advice?!?! well i dont know what the hell im supposed to say do i ? i am just stunned into a state of shock and i am writing whatever comes into my head. well, nice as this is i think i will stop now or you may kill me.... bye bye xxx no actually i think i will make it just a bit longer, its amazing, you see sometimes my imaginationm takes over and well i may never stop, ever...ever!!!!!! ok ok now i see your going red with anger so ( in my imagination obviously cos i cant actually see you,that would be amazing if i could but i cant im afraid. or so im told by the little man in my brain) ok good bye... actually no, i think i want to write just a little more. just to annoy you hehe soooo what a beautiful day it is today. a little snow on the ground, the sun in the sky and my fingers are really cold!!! so cold it hurts!!! 
[The Hidden Flame] Hi 'Angel' mind if I stick to Will lol! I can't believe people actually like this loser let alone love!!! Lol j/k mate see you. Fire, Fire!!! XD
[shinobi14] Hey, who doesnt love Angel? He is a good person, no matter how strange a person he is, a good person none the less ^___^. Hmmmm... He was there for me when i was upset. THAT counted. I value that a lot. And im totally liking the fact that he doesnt specify what gender he is in his house, too. Very cool. ^___^ You rock, Angel. XD
[Echoes in the moonlight] Heya Will!! ^__^ I think I'll do the same as Chris and stick to Will rather than 'Angel' ^__^ Hey great night the other night should do it more often, and maybe you should get your lazy ass into Science more often, stop abandoning me! It's fun fun fun, honest! ^__^
[The Incredible Bulk] no roooom...erm *tackle hugs everyone here*
[Miss.PYRO™] YOU PROPER ROCK. even if you complain abaout being thin ¬_¬. but you are still UBER COOL and definitely deserve this wiki. *hugs for angel*
[Luna Armonial] Ish my cool random friend Angel *clings & whispers* Ish mine !!!
[Supernova.] MY ANGEL *pockets Angel* miiiiine *pats pocket*
[Asator Stormbringer] Will.., this is my last promise to you, here, so everyone can see it.., I'll make you proud one last time bro, I'm gonna let everyone know what a great guy you where and still are, and I'll let you know, and everyone else, that every person on this page loves you, with every possible fiber of their being.., I know they do cuz you are an angel.
love you bro.
[Twisted Purgatory] Will you're a loser. And a twat. And many other things. And you're not as good as me. Oh and my play dough figures were better than yours in year 3. You know it's true. If you argue I shall eat you. No lie. Well other than that you're an okay guy (maybe...). Well okay you're one of the best mates I have and I love you. Happy now? You'd better be, you know how much it burns to say something nice.
[Maverick.] hey will you're a loser but i love you XD

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2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: You're not a coward Luna... you just made a mistake

2007-09-27 [Lonely Shadow]: luna, being the person I am that don't strike women, in your situation if you keep insulting yourself like that I'm going to tie you down and beat your arse with a bamboo pole trust me, it hurts

2007-09-27 [Demon in my View]: *poke* don't be so mean... it doesn't work with some people ya know? and yes she did just make a mistake like i do, like we all do oke?

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *nods* Not a coward...

2007-09-27 [Lonely Shadow]: Will get your kid... Actually she knows why I'm mean... sometimes in that situation the only way to get an effective reaction in changing someone is to be mean

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs softly* Ok i could be really sick & perverted right now but i'll pass...*smiles* I know i made a mistake & i appologize to all...^_^ But everyone makes mistakes & i know what i'm going to do now...

2007-09-27 [Lonely Shadow]: -pats luna's head- but everyone is a perv. and it is good to be open about things

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, looks at Josh* Ok in that case you asked for it..." go ahead & tie me up, beat me with a bamboo pole i just might like it " *falls over laughing*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: My kid rocks ^_^

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, sits up* He asked for it...*points at Josh then runs & hides*

2007-09-27 [Empty~Soul]: o.o

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Who wants my food?!?!?!

2007-09-27 [Empty~Soul]: -covers mouth and runs-

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *sighs* Anyone??

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: fine i had a pork shop with cabbage and potatoes..*prods wlls food8..and it hink this is still alive

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I think it is too... *smells it* Yuck

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: aww..*gives will a turnip*

2007-09-27 [Empty~Soul]: -laughs-

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *shakes head* I may be hungry but hospital food is just nasty...

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Oh wow thanks....

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: .hey turnips are nice ^_^..*gives will erm..some aniseed balls*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *pukes* Yucky I hate aniseed

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: you like liquorice??

2007-09-27 [Empty~Soul]: -hands will a burgur-

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *eats burger* Mmm.... no I don't like it

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: darn it..*sits down and eats mini eggs*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Mmmm..........

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: .*gives will the mini eggs*..present

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Ooooh yay!!!! *eats*

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*brings out metre of strawberry lace*..mwahahha

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Ooh... big

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: yup..and kinky ^_^..*winks as kiki*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *laughs* INCEST!

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*realises kikis gone adn winks at will*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *blinks* Okay no that's just wrong...

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, shakes my head*

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*Luaghs*..i know..i know..*pokes wills tomache and looks aty luna and winks at ehr aswell*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *blinks* Stop it...

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: fine..*sits downa dn east strwabeery whip*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *laughs* nice way to put it

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..meany..i found out how to seduce men..stroek there har while sucking your thumb ^_^

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *blinks* Okay then

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..mwahahha

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *laughs*

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, looks at Alice* Should be more careful at who you wink at...*holds up candy handcuffs, laughs*

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: *rasies eye brows and brings out a whip*

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *backs away* Not cool dudes... not cool

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *pounces Alice, hog ties here* Oh come on Angel you honestly don't think i would so something like that ??? *laughs, sits Alice under a nearby tree* Now be good...

2007-09-27 [The Incredible Bulk]: *blows hair out of my face*..meany

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *phew*

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, looks at Angel* Golly i don't even want to know what you were thinking...

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: No I don't think you do...

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: O.O *looks at you in shock, shakes my head* Gosh that's just wrong...

2007-09-27 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *nods* Chris has polluted my mind

2007-09-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *pokes will's side* well, then i guess your fucked then, huh?

2007-09-27 [Lonely Shadow]: Fine luna I shall ^_^

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, holds out arms* You can tie me up if you like...*falls backwards laughing*

2007-09-27 [Demon in my View]: wow.. dirty people today..

2007-09-27 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up & tries to stop laughing but fails*

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: lol in a good mood ^^ i'm glad to see... just make sure you get your mind out of the gutter before it gets stuck there

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs even harder then jumps into a nearby river* It's beyond the gutter dear...

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: so inside the gutter and down the tunnel in the dark?

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs & shakes head* Nope worse ^_^

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: oh... so you're down where all the trash and drainage suage is

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: Nope way worse...*laughs*

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: aerial is in oblivion >.> where all the dirt lies... and needs a shower

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, shakes my head*

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: ^^ she laughs and everyone's happy ^^ just make sure you take a shower too oke? *pinches nose* XP meh

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, smells* I don't smell thank you...*pounces*

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: aye!! *falls over* now i spell worse than i did!!! if that's even possible...

2007-09-28 [Lonely Shadow]: -ties Luna to a tree branche and lets her hang-

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: well that's mean

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at Josh, growls* Let me down...

2007-09-28 [Lonely Shadow]: -shakes my head and looks at you- nope...

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *dangles from the tree branch, grosses my arm* Oh & why not ?

2007-09-28 [Lonely Shadow]: haven't had a good enough reason to just yet -grabs a feather and looks at you-

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs, looks at you* Ok fine then...*stares off at everything that's upside down*

2007-09-28 [Demon in my View]: ooo wow she's far in the gutter

2007-09-28 [Lonely Shadow]: lol farther the better

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *still hanging upside down* Will someone let me down from here i have a serious headache, everything is going double...*closes my eyes*

2007-09-28 [Necrobioticrash]: *shouts* HI LUNA!

2007-09-28 [Lonely Shadow]: -cuts the rope and smiles-

2007-09-28 [Necrobioticrash]: *films*

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *extends my arms & flips up to my feet* Hello Eva, you don't how to shout dear i assure you i can hear perfectly fine...*smirks, sits down tearing the rope apart*

2007-09-28 [Necrobioticrash]: *is still filming*

2007-09-28 [The Incredible Bulk]: *starts doing bear force one dance moves*

2007-09-28 [Necrobioticrash]: *joins*

2007-09-28 [The Incredible Bulk]: *crosses arms over chest salutes and puts up one finger in the air*..bear force one yyeeeaaah

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *films, snickers quietly*

2007-09-28 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*looks at luna*'s funnyness ^_^..also the old granny giving orasl sex lessons..*shivers*

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *scrunches nose* Awkward & i thought my mind was perverted...*mumbles to self* Ok Luna what the hell did you get yourself into this time???

2007-09-28 [The Incredible Bulk]: rememebr.. know eva....gah have to go back later

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: Ok...*waves* Bye Alice...

2007-09-28 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I hate bloodtests soooooooo much

2007-09-28 [Necrobioticrash]: Haha, looser

2007-09-28 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: You're the loser who can't even spell 'loser' you loser.

2007-09-28 [Luna Armonial]: *falls back laughing, shakes my head*

2007-09-28 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*walks in adn laughs at evakins*

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: oh really :P

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Yuss.

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: *shrugs* oke but i the biggest loober ^^

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: No no she is

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: why her?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: She is a loser. And a... idiot?

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: i not smart either v.v

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Are too

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: pff ya when i get an A in calculus..

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Well I got an E so shush

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: i got a B... what's the e for >.> easy?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: No the grades go from A-U and A-C is a pass anything under is a fail

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: .< and... what does that mean again? >.<

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Fail is I don't get the GCSE and pass I do.

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: but you got a E so you pass? >.<

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: No no I had to get a grade C or above, a E failed me

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: oh... gotchya... i'm sorry... *hugs* and what's higher than a c?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: B and A and A*

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: oooo oke! (sorry XP) gotchya ^^ *huggles* you can pass though!!!

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Too late I've done my exams

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: ooo and you passed the exams?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Some of them

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: like?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Mechanics / engineering, D&T, English, I.T, P.E that's it

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: .> smart one...

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: pff ya! i cant do engineering

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Oh well... I had to at my job so yeah

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: ah i see... so it was easy then?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Engineergin was the rest I had to work for... except P.E

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: well ya PE is :P XP what'd you do? run a lap?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: No a load of paperwork and lots of physical training

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: .< that sux... i'm sorry *huggles* i always loved workin out though... hm what about D&T?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I did graphics

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: lucky... i get to do that this year... it'd be fun ^^ was it easy?

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: KInda...

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: lol kinda?... how

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: It was... simple but hard

2007-09-29 [Luna Armonial]: I hated graphics, speaking of math i still hate that too...*grumbles & wants to give math book to the puppy, watch him tear it to pieces*

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *wants the same*

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*gives math homework to my dog*

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: dog rather eat cooked cabbage rather than pork...

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Weird dog

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..yup..and she likes peanuts

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: So do I... I'd forgotten that

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Luaghs*.. i like honey roasted peanuts

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I just like salted

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..i dont like walnuts..

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Me neither

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..pecans and cashews are okay i suppose

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I just like peanuts

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: *gves you salted peanuts*

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Thanks ^_^

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: *nods and hugs you then gnaws ona liquorice root*

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I'm going to lie down.... I will be back later on

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..i might not be i have to go bra shopping

2007-09-29 [Demon in my View]: ooo now THAT'S fun

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *sits down trying not to panic*

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..bra shopping is really not fun..when your inbetween C and D..and they both dont fit right

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Must ... not ... panic ...

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: *tosses will another bag*..lie down adn try adn rest

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I already did.... and it didn't help

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: stress toy,erm try wahtcing things on youtube to take your mind off,if not fully a little a bit

2007-09-29 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I'm going.... I'll go and hit Tony

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..who is tony?

2007-09-29 [Luna Armonial]: *walks in, sits down* You should try looking through the playtext half sizes Alice...*looks at Angel, sings a native lullaby softly*

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: there are no suck things as CC's around here..i wish there were

2007-09-29 [Luna Armonial]: *ruffles your hair* The only reason they call them half size bra's here is because your either nearly, A/B/C/D/ect...You know ?

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: i know,i cant fnd in between C and D no matter were i look..>_<..and every shop ahs diffrent sizes,for the same size..well usually a D in asda is to small a D in new look is to big..

2007-09-29 [Luna Armonial]: Sorry to hear that Alice...

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*Luaghs*..its fine i make do with C's from newlook a bit small but meh,not much..*hugs you*

2007-09-29 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs* Sometimes it suck but meh you got to do what you got to do...

2007-09-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: do

2007-09-29 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs, leans back against a nearby tree trunk & relaxes*

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: -rolls eyes and laughs- the conversations one never wants to walk into

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at Josh* It's just a bra, it's not like i was talking about putting you in a thong & taking pictures for Will...

2007-09-30 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *blinks* How did I get dragged into this conversation?

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs* Just felt like saying that at the time i guess i really don't know...*grabs a sketch book & starts drawing*

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: *sits down in silence*

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks over and sits down by bryony*

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: *tries not to cry*

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *hugs bryony tighlty and leans my head on your shoulder*'s okay to cry

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: I know but I don't want to until I know...

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*nods and crosses my legs*..

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: *rubs my eyes and sighs*

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *hugs you tighlty and sits by your side wiping my eyes*

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: *hugs back* You don't know how much I have prayed today...

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: no i don't,but i can guess..

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: One hell of alot... done all I can to protect him too

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up for a moment, then returns to drawing*

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: *wupes my eyes again and sighs*

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *nods and gives you my blade*..make sure i don't EVER brake that promsie..please bryony

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: *takes it* I won't... trust me I will not

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*hugs you tighlty and smiles*..i must be off back in 30

2007-09-30 [Vaughne]: Okay *hugs back*

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *stands up, morphs to white tiger curling around Bryony* It'll be ok...

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: -stares at the ground and sighs- anyone have any idea?

2007-09-30 [Demon in my View]: about what

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: no sorry josh..*walks over and sits by you*

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: -sighs and plays with the grass- damn...

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at Josh* He'll be fine...

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